I am here to be a matchstick for others:
to help them discover their potential
and ignite a vision for their future.
Not only is this my personal purpose statement, but a mantra that I seek to impart to everyone I coach. I refer to this as the “Matchstick Mentality”- a believe that the biggest explosions can happen from the smallest sparks; an unending quest to discover and ignite the best to come.
As a restaurant owner, leadership coach, father and husband, I am constantly thinking about how those around me view the world and, more importantly, view themselves. Often times I meet people who are going through a season of “limited oxygen” where they are slowly smoldering away. It is usually a result of low self-image coupled with limited vision for a future better than their current state. This is a challenging place to start a fire.
My goal is to move people out of the slow smolder and into the massive explosion stage of their life and career. Through personalized coaching that centers around the individual’s unique talents and perspective, we build the fire one stick at a time.
“Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light...”